Q. What should I do if I see Graffiti?
A. Notify our local law enforcement agency so that they can take a report and photograph the graffiti. Call the non-emergency line at 503-629-0111. If the graffiti is on a fence or sidewalk: sidewalks adjacent to homes are the maintenance and responsibility of the property owner. The sidewalks are not owned by the HOA (with the exception of the sidewalk directly in front of the Rec Center). The sidewalks surrounding the condominium complex are owned by the condos, not the HOA. Any graffiti, weeds, leaves, fruit droppings, etc… it is your responsibility to keep your sidewalk clean and clear and in safe operating condition.
Q: How do I rent the Rec. Center?
A: For more information on the Rec Center, please visit the Rec Center page here. Please note that only Cross Creek residents (homeowners and verified renters) in good standing may rent the Rec Center. We do not rent the Rec Center to anyone who does not rent or own within the Cross Creek Association, no exceptions.
Q: How do I get on the waiting list for the RV lot?
A: To find out more or get your name on the waiting list, please visit the RV Lot / RV Parking page here.
Q: How do I get a parking permit for my RV or boat?
A: Please visit the RV Lot / RV Parking page here.
Q: I want to paint my home a different color (or pour a new driveway or re-landscape my front yard), what do I need to do?
A: You need to fill out a PIP (Property Improvement Proposal) and deliver it to the Property Standards board member so it can be reviewed at the next Board Meeting. Please be sure to plan for this in advance. Failure to provide this form prior to starting work can result in fines or needing to undo what you have done.
Q: I just moved to the neighborhood, how do I get a Welcome packet?
A: You can send an email to to request one, or you can go to the documents page and download it.
Q: I didn’t know my home was in a HOA and I didn’t get a copy of the ByLaws or CC&R’s when I bought. Do I still need to follow them?
A: Yes. These documents come from your Title Company as part of the Preliminary Title Report. It is part of a buyers due-diligence to determine if the home they are purchasing is in a HOA and review the governing documents.
Q: How much are the annual dues?
A: $360
Q: What do my annual dues pay for?
A: We have a number of amenities in Cross Creek including a newly renovated outdoor pool, a Recreation Center, a RV storage lot, 2 sport courts, multiple pathways and bridges, multiple playgrounds and greenspace areas. These amenities need upkeep/repair and/or replacement. We also have paid staff members and services (ie landscaping, lifeguards, etc.) and throughout the year we host community events at the Rec. Center. There are also website fees and other administrative fees. You are always welcome to obtain a copy of the Expense Report from the Bookkeeper.
Q: If I don’t use the pool or Rec Center, shouldn’t I get a discount on my dues?
A: No, the CC&R’s dictate that the annual assessment is to be billed to every home within our HOA boundaries.
Q: Who do I make the dues check out to?
A: CCHOA (short for Cross Creek Homeowner’s Association) suffices.
Q: Where do I send my dues payment?
A: Put your payment in a sealed envelope, address it to CCHOA Dues, 20555 SW Rosa Rd, Beaverton OR 97078 and put your return address in the corner (Name and Lot# is also helpful). Then mail, or hand deliver it to the Rec Center (there is a mail slot on the front of the building to the right of the doors).
Q: Are the board members paid for their service?
A: No. The Board of Directors are strictly volunteers from homeowners who live in the association.
Q. When is leaf pick up?
A. There is no leaf pick-up service. You need to put raked up leaves into your yard debris bin for pick-up.
Last Updated on 05/30/2023