Contact Us

Mailing Address

Cross Creek Homeowners Association (CCHOA)
20555 SW Rosa Rd
Beaverton OR 97078

The HOA does not have a general phone line.

Real Estate Broker & Title Co Information

Please visit this page before contacting any Board Members, Officers or Staff.

Board Members, Officers and other contacts

The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of seven (7) directors. The officers of the association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The ByLaws require that the President and Vice President also be members of the board. The Secretary and Treasurer Officer positions can be held by someone not on the Board. Currently, all 4 officers are all members of the Board. The term of service for each Board Member is three (3) years. If a Board Member resigns before their term ends, the individual chosen to fill that vacancy will only serve the remainder of the resignee’s term and not start a new 3 year term.

Officers & Board of Directors

Please note that our Board of Directors are volunteers and many work full time jobs and cannot take calls or respond to emails during their work hours. Below each member’s contact information is their desired order of preference for communications. Please allow ample time for a response.

President: Cody Meyer (2024-2027)

(text preferred, then email or leave a voicemail)

Vice President: Brett Rezewski (-2026)

(text preferred, then email or leave a voicemail. Please allow 24 hours to respond)

Treasurer: Missy Villa (2023-2026)

(text preferred, or email. Please allow 48 hours to respond)

Secretary: Tia Branstetter (2024-2027)


Maintenance: Melissa Currier (-2025)

Property Standards: Amy Hofrock (-2025)
no phone- email only

Rec Center & RV Lot: Molly Holmes (2023-2026)

(text preferred, then call or email. Please allow 72 hours for response)

Staff Members, Volunteer Members

Full-charge Bookkeeper: Alicia Meyer

(email first, then text, voicemail, call)

Webmaster: Elisa Buckley
503 705 1405

(text preferred, then email)


Volunteers are needed for our Committees! Please join!

Architectural Committee (aka Property Standards)

Maintenance Committee:

Pool Committee:

Finance / Budget Committee:

Community Events Committee:
If you have a desire to coordinate neighborhood events and activities and want to chair a committee, please reach out!

Board Job Duties Document

Website Feedback

Send an email to:

Facebook Page (unofficial)

There is a Cross Creek Facebook Group Page for Cross Creek residents, however it is not an official page and not sponsored by the Board. It is ran by CCHOA community members and it does require you to own and/or reside within the HOA boundaries in order to join. To prevent spammers from joining we do verify residency.

Note regarding Rec Center phone: this line is for emergency outgoing calls only. The voicemail box is full on purpose- nobody monitors this phone line. Do not call this number- instead call the Board Member who can best help you with your question. It is posted here for reference purposes only. 503 649 9346

Last Updated on 06/04/2024