Step 1: Determine if you bank can pay via Zelle. Scan the QR code or visit and follow the prompts.
Step 2: Once your Zelle account is set up- open your banking app and go to the Zelle payment tab. Scan the QR code below to add Cross Creek to your recipients list, or add it manually:
Step 3: Send your dues payment!
- Choose the recipient: Cross Creek Homeowners Association.
- Enter the dollar amount
- In the memo space write your Lot # and Phone # (dashes not allowed, so use a period instead ie.
- Choose the account you want to draw your payment from
- Follow the prompts to review and send!
Don’t know your Lot #? Check out our map at the bottom of this page.

To check to see if your bank can pay via Zelle, visit and follow the prompts.

Last Updated on 06/09/2024