RV Lot / RV Parking


The parking of RVs, trailers and boats in driveways or in the street is strictly prohibited by our CC&R’s, except for a 48-hour period to load/unload/clean/etc.

If you need to have your RV, trailer, camper or boat parked at your home for more than 48 hours, you will need to obtain a RV Parking Permit. This permit is good for up to 2 weeks only. Any parking beyond 2 weeks will need board approval.


If you have been approved to park your vehicle in the RV Lot, you will need to access these forms:


Q: How long is the RV Wait list?
A: The wait list is quite long and is not filled in order of first come first serve, but rather by size of vehicle. Smaller vehicles are more likely to get placed earlier than large vehicles. There are very few spaces that can accommodate anything longer than 28-feet. Do not buy a boat or RV anticipating you will get a spot. As a reminder, parking RV’s or Boats on driveways or in the street is strictly prohibited.

Q: How much are the RV lot fees?
A: $10/month, billed annually, unless you are able to rent a space prior to the billing period, then the bill is prorated to $10/month for the amount of months prior to the billing period

Q: When are the RV lot fees due?
A: Right when you receive the invoice. The payments should all be received no later than the end of July.

Q: How often is my RV Lot paperwork due?
A: Yearly. Please send in the paperwork with your payment.

Q: When is the RV lot billing period?
A: The invoices for the RV Lot go out some time in very early June and are mailed the same time as the HOA Dues invoices.

Q: How do I get on the RV Lot waiting list?
A: Contact the current RV Lot administrator at the email below. Look at the board and staff page to get a current name and phone number.

If you have any other questions about the RV lot, the documents above should answer them. If they don’t, contact the current RV Lot Coordinator at

Last Updated on 08/17/2024