Want to reserve the pool for a private party? A Pool Party rental gives you exclusive use of the pool from 6:30-8:45pm and exclusive use of the Rec Center.
Pool Parties can only be booked for Friday nights and Saturday nights- during the pool season (typically mid-June through Labor Day). We do not allow any private parties Opening Weekend.
The Rec Center CANNOT be rented separately or without the pool during the pool season.
For more information on how to book a party, please visit the Rec Center Rental Page
How early can we go in and set up for the party?
The Rec Center main area will be blocked off starting at 5:30pm and the lifeguards will start their pre-party cleaning duties. We do not recommend starting any set up prior to 6:00pm.
What time should I put on the invitation for my guests to arrive?
Your reservation is from 6:30 – 9:30pm. Guests should not be arriving before 6:30pm.
Is there any way we can swim past 8:45pm?
No. The pool area will close at 8:45pm so that the guards can do their pool closing duties.
Can we sit around the pool after the lifeguards leave?
No. There cannot be anyone in the pool area once the pool is closed for the evening. There also cannot be any minors in the pool area during party set-up so please plan accordingly.
Can I choose which Lifeguard(s) I want to work my party?
Yes, you can! But there are no guarantees. Your desired guard may have a scheduling conflict, but we will do our best!
Lifeguard appreciation…
Pool parties require the guards to work a longer than normal shift and can be quite stressful due to all the constant activity. They do not get any official “breaks” during your party, so please consider offering a plate of food and/or a trip through your snack table once all of your guests have been fed. Tips are never expected, but greatly appreciated.
Who does the cleaning and locking up after the party?
You do! Use the Rec Center cleaning checklist and complete all tasks. Although the lifeguards will lock the doors to the pool area before they leave, it is your responsibility to check that those doors are still locked, and that ALL doors are locked before you leave. Don’t forget to take your trash with you!
NOTE: The lifeguards will do a quick cleaning of the Rec Center prior to your party- to make sure the bathrooms are stocked and all the trash cans are emptied.
Last Updated on 06/16/2024