SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 @ 7:00 PM

Mark your calendars!

Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 16th 2021.  The meeting will begin at 7:30pm, but we invite everyone to come at 7:00 pm to enjoy refreshments, meet your neighbors, meet the current board members and perhaps find out what plans are ahead for Cross-Creek in the next couple of years.

It’s also a perfect time to express an interest in volunteering to serve your community.   Of course, all COVID safety protocols will be enforced.

Per our by-laws, to conduct an effective election we are required to have a quorum of 1/10th of the membership (homeowners) in attendance.  A quorum may be reached either by person or proxy ballots. 

With 309 homes in our neighborhood, we need to receive at least 31 ballots. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please give your ballot to a member who will be in attendance or drop it in the mail slot at the Rec. Center, preferably sooner rather than later so we know the count in advance.  We have included a link / attachment to the proxy ballot for your convenience.  

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